Tuesday, 30 October 2012

The Rain Room.

Yesterday, Me and Rhys went and visited the Rain Room at the Barbican. 
The queue was long and extremely boring.
But once in there, it was amazing! and so worth it.

Here are the best lot of pictures from the day :)

I do think it's worth going to see if you have a day to kill, because it's beautiful and great for taking photos! If you go, let me know what you think! :)

Sunday, 28 October 2012


Hello :)

This weekend I went to Dorchester in Dorset with my parents. It was windy and extremely cold! but the sun was shining and I took some lovely rustic photos to share with you all.

As we were near the sea, it gave me an excuse to use my 75 - 300mm lens, aka 'bird watching lens', which allowed me to zoom in impressively far!

So here are this weekends best photos:

Thursday, 25 October 2012

This Weeks Photos!

Well as you all know, I received my Canon 550D for my Birthday :)
So here are some photos I have taken this week!

I am aware that this last one,  is a very low quality photograph but I took this in the pitch black in my room, at about midnight! I'm weirdly proud of how the photo came with an orangey hue to it!

It's been an autumnal week and a good week as far as I am concerned!


P.s Thank you Oliver Evans! who is a brilliant photographer and a brilliant friend for letting me borrow his Fish eye lens! xx